This standard from the ISO family is one of the prestigious and widely acknowledged standards to provide formal recognition to competent testing and calibration laboratories. Also, this is developed jointly by ISO and the international electrotechnical commission (IEC).
Furthermore, ISO 17025 standard provides a complete management system to the laboratories to cover both management and technical part. All requirements to ensure that a laboratory (irrespective of its size or nature of business) is producing consistent testing/calibration results, under competent staff, and ensuring impartiality.
Moreover, Accreditation under ISO 17025 gives confidence to the customers that the laboratory is reliable. Moreover, laboratory accreditation ensures technical competency of staff, validation of test methods, traceability, maintenance of test equipment, testing environment, Sampling procedure, and handling/ transportation of test items.
ISO 17025 management system tests the competence of the laboratory in various methods like proficiency testing or inter-laboratory comparison. This proves their overall technical competency. Laboratories also get to know through ISO17025 that if the work they are performing is correct and complies with appropriate standards. Accordingly, they can set their benchmarks for continual improvement.
Accreditation with ISO17025 is also an excellent marketing tool with local and international recognition as a competent testing and calibration laboratory.