Location Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
London, United Kingdom



Jaami'ah Muhammadiyah Islamic Academy is an Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamah institution, offering a range of unique and flexible, online and blended learning courses, which enable our students to practically apply the knowledge taught in their daily lives. Our courses include the Diploma in Islamic Studies, Part Time,Full Time Alim & Alima courses.

Although we cover all the Islamic subjects comprehensively our main speciality is in Da’wah and Tazkiyah (Purification of Soul and Da’wah). We believe that as well as Ta’leem (knowledge), there should also be a strong emphasis on the practical teachings of Islam (Tarbiyah). Knowledge (Ilm) alone will not suffice until the correct application of this ilm is not put into practice.

Our aim is to teach the inner and outer dimensions of these subjects to help you in your journey towards the pleasure of Allah and at the same time to make your learning experience as beneficial and straight forward as possible.

The ultimate purpose of life is to please Allah the Majestic, however, without knowledge of these subjects a person will not know how to please his Lord. The consequences of this could be catastrophic in the hereafter if a person is not forgiven by Allah the Exalted.

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